jupyterlabpymolpysnips: PyMOL Python Script Writing with Code Templates in JupyterLab

This webpage is associated with the GitHub repository for the jupyterlabpymolpysnips library of snippets for using the molecular graphics program PyMOL in JupyterLab. We wrote the snippets in Python for use in Jupyter via the PyMOL Python API. This page lists the snippets by their name and description. The snippets are listed by category name in the tables below. Each category name appears as a submenu item under the pymol and pymol+ menu items in JupyterLab.

Categories of snippets:

  1. Alternate Locators
  2. Change Orientation
  3. Color Scheme
  4. Electron Density
  5. FileIO
  6. H-bonds
  7. Help
  8. Jupyter
  9. Labels
  10. List Snippets
  11. Measurements
  12. Molecular Representations
  13. Nucleic Acids
  14. Objects
  15. Print
  16. Programming
  17. Pymolrc
  18. Selection
  19. Settings
  20. Stereo
  21. Trajectories
  22. Unit Cell Display
  23. Workshop

Alternate Locators:

Snippet Name Description
hidealtloc Hide the partially occupied atoms with the part b alternate locator.
Return to list of snippet categories near top.

Change Orientation:

Snippet Name Description
rotate Rotate a selection about and axis by a given angle.
rv Return settings in rounded format.
turnAboutAxisTurn about axis.
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Color Scheme:

Snippet Name Description
cblind Apply color blind friendly to ribbon diagrams. Edit the path to the Pymol-script-repo in your computer account. See PyMOL wiki for more information about the Pymol-script-reo.
cribbon Color ribbon H red, strand yellow, loop green.
grayscale Apply grayscale coloring using a grayscale version of the PyMOL colors for the elements. This is a Python function. It is invoked in a script file via grayscale(). There is a corresponding gscale shortcut in pymolshortcuts.py that is invoked in a pml script by entering gsale if the functions in pymolshortcuts.py have been loaded with the run pymolshortcuts.py command.
printColorByAtomCodesPrint the codes for color-by-atom (util.cba*) alternates.
volumeRamp Volume ramp.
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Electron Density:

Snippet Name Description
carvedIsomesh Carved isomesh representation of electron density.
carvedIsosurface Carved isosurface representation of electron density.
carvedVolume Carved volume representation of electron density.
fetch2FoFcIsomesh Fetch 2FoFc map as an isomesh.
fetch2FoFcIsosurfaceFetch 2FoFc map as an isosurface. Edit the PDB-ID code. Use lowercase letter for the fifth character to select a single chain.
fetch2FoFcVolume Fetch 2FoFc map as a volume.
fetchThreeMaps Display three electron density maps as isomesh.
loadThreeMaps Three electron density as Isomesh.
threeMapsIsosurface Display three electron density maps as isosurfaces.
threeMapsVolume Three electron density as volumes.
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Snippet Name Description
cblindCartoonColor cartoon with colorblind friendly colors. Requires that the pymolshortcuts.py file is loaded. This has been applied to PDB-ID 7JU6. The protein is human RET kinase, and the drug is selpercatinib, a FDA approved drug for treating several cancers.
fetchCIF Fetch the atomic coordinates as a cif file from the PDB.
fetchFoFc Fetch fofc map from the PDB.
loadPDBfile Load a pdb file in the current directory.
printPath Print the path to the currently used PyMOL binary.
saln Save an aln flle with a timestamp.
salnpy Save an aln flle with a timestamp. Python version.
savePNG # Save a png file of current scene to the current directory. PyMOL writes out only png files. This file may need to be converted to a tiff file. See the png2tiff snippet for a bash script that converts all png files in a folder into tiff files. # 1: png filename # 2: x-dimension in pixels. # 3: y-dimension in pixels, 1600 x 1000 approximates the golden ratio. Usually want a square for multipanel figures. # 4: dots per inch, # 5: ray tracing off, 0; ray tracing on, 1 # should also consider image without ray tracing shadows.
sccp4 Save electron density map flle with timestamp.
sccp4py Save electron density map flle with timestamp.
sdae Save dae flle with timestamp.
sdaepy Save dae flle with timestamp.
spng Save png flle with timestamp.
spngpy Save png flle with timestamp.
spse Save pse flle with timestamp
wallart Reset hash_max from 100 to 2000 to enable the saving of 28" by 28".
wallartpy Reset hash_max from 100 to 2000 to enable the saving of 28" by 28".
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Snippet Name Description
distance H-bond distance between a H-bond donor and acceptor.
drawHbonds Display H-bonds as dashes colored black.
hbonddash Set up H-bond dashes.
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Snippet Name Description
cmddocs Print in the command history window the docstrings of all of the functions in the cmd module.
github Print url of README.md file of the pymolsnips repository.
helpDocs Return the docustring for the help submodule. This command is more concise: help help.
presetDocs Return the docustring for the preset submodule. The command help preset fails to return anything. The command help(pymol.preset) has the same effect as help(preset).
printDoc Print document string of a function.
printDocpy Print document string of a function.
pymoldocs Return to the command history window the docstrings for all of the functions in a module.
pymoldocspy Return to the command history window the docstrings for all of the functions in a module.
writeCommandReference2HTMLWrite the command reference to html file in the present working directory.
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Snippet Name Description
AO Run the AO function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to generate the photorealistic effect.
AOBW Run the AOBW function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to generate photorealistic effect in grayscale.
AOD Run the AOD function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to generate photorealistic effect with carbons colored black.
AODBW Run the AODBW function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to generate photorealistic effect with carbons colored black and all other atoms colored in grayscale.
PE125 Run the PE125 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.125 of the van der Waals surface.
PE25 Run the PE25 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.25 of the van der Waals surface.
PE33 Run the PE33 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.33 of the van der Waals surface.
PE50 Run the PE50 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.50 of the van der Waals surface.
PE66 Run the PE66 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.66 of the van der Waals surface.
PE75 Run the PE75 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.75 of the van der Waals surface.
PE85 Run the PE85 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show the pearl effect with the inner sphere scaled by 0.85 of the van der Waals surface.
cav Run the cav function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to show buried cavities and pockets as molecular surfaces.
cntccp4emaps Count number of *.ccp4 (electron density map) files in current directory.
cntfiles Count number of files in current directory.
cntlogs Count number of *.log files in current directory.
cntmtzs Count number of *.mtz files in current directory.
cntpdbs Count number of *.pdb files in current directory.
cntpmls Count number of *.pml files in current directory.
cntpngs Count number of *.png files in current directory.
cntpses Count number of *.pse files in current directory.
colorh1 Run the colorh1 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to color protein molecules according to the Eisenberg hydrophobicity scale, scheme 1.
colorh2 Run the colorh2 function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to color protein molecules according to the Eisenberg hydrophobicity scale, scheme 2.
hb Creates an object of all H-bonds found by PyMOL.
importIPythonDisplay Imports for using IPython to display images loaded from disk in notebook cells.
importPyMOLandShortcutsImports needed for most uses of pymol in Jupyter. Combination of importPyMOL and importPythonDisplay.
importPyMOLcmd Import the cmd class from the pymol api.
importShortcuts Import for loading the functions in the pymolshortcuts.py file. These functions can be run inside cmd.do() without the trailing (). For example, cmd.do('rv').
imports4PyMOLjupyter Imports needed for most uses of pymol in Jupyter. Combination of importPyMOL and importPythonDisplay.
ipymolProtein Demo of the use of the RPC server with a protein via ipymol.
ipymolStart Code to start the RPC server with ipymol. Start pymol in terminal with pymol -R; select pymol.python as the kernel in juptyer. You may have to create this kernel for the Python interpreter that is inside PyMOL.
kernel A kernel.json file for runnig PyMOL python interpreter in the Jupyter notebook. This code should reside in a folder named pymol.python in the ~/Library/Jupyter/kernels.
nmr Show all models in a nmr structure.
nmroff Hide all but first model in a nmr structure.
nmroffpy Hide all but the first model in a nmr structure.
nmrpy Show all models in a nmr structure.
rdkrpcChem Demo of the use of the RPC server with a drug compound via the rdkit python module.
rdkrpcProtein Demo of the use of the RPC server with a protein via rdkit.
rmd Remove all measurement objects in the interal GUI.
rmhb Delete all H-bonds in the selection, which is all by default.
rv Run the rv function from the pymolshortcuts.py file.
rvi Return settings in rounded format while running PyMOL via the RCP server ipymol in a jupyter notebook. This is a modified version of the roundview.py script.
rvr Return settings in rounded format while running PyMOL via the RCP server rdkit in a jupyter notebook. This is a modified version of the roundview.py script.
timcolor Run the timcolor function from the pymolshortcuts.py file to color atoms accordings to Tim Mather's biophysical coloring scheme for proteins.
yrb Run the yrb function from the pymolshortcuts.py file.
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Snippet Name Description
centerpi Center pi. Edit the atoms selected for positioning the pseudoatom.
displayFonts Print to the screen as labels the 21 font ids in their corresponding fonts in a grid. Each label is an object and appears in the internal gui. You can turn on and off the display of specific fonts.
displayFontspyPrint to the screen as labels the 21 font ids in their corresponding fonts in a grid. Each label is an object and appears in the internal gui. You can turn on and off the display of specific fonts.
labelCAs Label the CA atoms with the Ala333 style format.
labelMainChainLabel the main chain atoms with the following: resn,resi,atom name.
labelResnResi Label CA atom with single-letter residue name and residue number.
labelSS Label SS.
labelWatersHOHLabel waters with HOH and their residue number.
labelWatersW Label waters with W and their reisude number.
oneLetter Switch from three letter code to one-letter code for amino acids.
pseudolabel Position label with pseudoatom.
sigang Set angle labels to display 2 decimals places.
sigdihedral Set dihedral labels to display 2 decimals places to the right of the decimal point.
sigdist Set distance labels to display 2 decimals.
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List Snippets:

Snippet Name Description
lsSnips List all snips by Snippet Name and description.
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Snippet Name Description
listLigandProteinDistancesPrint a list of protein--ligand distances. Code by Dan Kulp. Updated for Python3.
ms Measure surface area of the selection with the msms_pymol.py script.
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Molecular Representations:

Snippet Name Description
ao Apply the ambient occlussion effect to get the photorealistic effect.
ao Apply the ambient occlussion effect to get the photorealistic effect.
aobw Ambient occlussion in grayscale.
aod Ambient occlussion with carbon atoms colored black.
aodbw Ambient occlussion in grayscale with carbon atoms colored black. Note: requires the gscale() function from pymolshortcuts.py. Download this script from http://GitHub.com/MooersLab/pymolshortcuts. Load the functions from this script with the command "cmd.do("run pymolshortcuts.py").
bs Ball and stick representation.
bsfr Ball-and-stick plus filled ring representation for ligands.
bu Generate the biological unit using the quat.py script.
coordinate Coordinate covalent bonds to metals and H-bonds from RNA.
cspheres Colored spheres.
discreteCartoonColoring Turn on discrete colors between secondary structure elements.
doubleBond Valence bond.
drawLinks Connect the alpha carbons of residue 1 with 10, 6 with 16, 7 with 17 and 8 with 18. Note that this example requires the draw_links.py [http://pldserver1.biochem.queensu.ca/~rlc/work/pymol/draw_links.py] by Robert Campbell.
ellipcol Set color of thernal ellipsoids. The PDB must have anisotopic temperature factors. See https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Color_Values for the PyMOL colors.
filledRing Filled rings in nucleic acids.
fog Blur the background atoms.
grayscalepy Apply grayscale coloring using a grayscale version of the PyMOL colors for the elements. This is a Python function. It is invoked in a script file via gscale(). There is a corresponding gscale shortcut in pymolshortcuts.py that is invoked in a pml script by entering gsale if the functions in pymolshortcuts.py have been loaded with the run pymolshortcuts.py command.
his31asp70 Display the famous Asp70-His31 salt-bridge from T4 lysozyme that contributes3-5 kcal/mol to protein stability.
loadPDBbs Load PDB ball-and-stick.
loadPDBnb Load PDB nb spheres.
molscriptRibbon Show cartoon in the style of Molscript ribbons.
oneBondThicknessColor To change stick color and radius for the bond between atom 2 and 3, use the set_bond command.
pearl The pearl effect is made with two spheres with the outer sphere being transparent.
puttyCartoon Create a putty cartoon.
ringMode Set the ring mode to a value between 0 and 6 in cartoons of nucleic acids.
rmwater Remove waters from molecular object.
sas Show the solvent excluded surface.
saxsEnvelope Display SAXS envelope. Edit to enter the name of the bead model object.
scaleRadiusColor Scale the radius and color of atoms as spheres by property in the B-value column.
scaleRadiusColorPythonInsertpyPython block insert for scaleRadiusColorpy.
scaleRadiusColorpy Scale the radius and color of atoms as spheres by property in the B-value column.
setLigandValenceOn Display the bond valence of ligands only.
setcolor Set color name to a RGB code.
sidehChainHelper In cartoons, hide the backbone atoms of selected residues when showing then as sticks.
solventRadius Set radius of ball used to make solvent accessible surface.
stack Base-stacking figure.
stateOne Select state 1 from a model with multiple states.
waterTriple Examples of a triple water pentagon. Zoom in on the selection. Edit by changing the residue number.
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Nucleic Acids:

Snippet Name Description
basePairStacking This code make as standard base stacking diagram with ball and stick representation.
brokenNucleicBackbone Create bonds between phosphorous and O3* atoms in a low-resolution DNA structure that is 80 base pairs long. Edit the selections below, which are ranges of residue numbers and edit the molecular object name (5fur).
dssrBlock1 Combining DSSR block representation with regular PyMOL cartoons after loading the dssr_block.py script by Thomas Holder.
dssrBlock2 DSSR block representation with fused blocks after loading the dssr_block.py script by Thomas Holder. The x3dna-dssr executable needs to be in the PATH.
dssrBlock3 DSSR block representation for a multi-state example after loading the dssr_block.py script by Thomas Holder. The x3dna-dssr executable needs to be in the PATH. Edit the path to Thomas Holder's block script.
dssrBlock4 DSSR block representation with custom coloring after loading the dssr_block.py script by Thomas Holder. The x3dna-dssr executable needs to be in the PATH.
nucleicAcidBackboneTubesSticks This code shows the cartoon backbone tube as 65% transparent. It hides the rungs of the cartoon. It shows all of the non-H atoms are sticks. The motivation is to have the cartoon highlight the backbone without dominanting the scene.
nucleicAcidCartoon Settings for nucliec acid cartoon. The dark blue used for electron density maps is called `density`. The cartoon_ladder_radius should be renamed the cartoon_rung_radius. The dimensions are in Angstroms.
nucleicAcidCartoon2Strands Coloring two strand differently of a double helix makes it easier to for the viewer to distinguish the two strands. The set command has the syntax of setting_name [, setting_value [, selection [,state ]]] . In this case, the selection has to be global, object, object-state, or per-atom settings. It cannot be a named selection. This is a weak spot in PyMOL. Coloring two strand differently of a double helix makes it easier to for the viewer to distinguish the two strands. Many double-stranded helices have one strand in the asymmetric unit. The second strand is in the biological unit. The coordinates for the second strand are in the pdb1 file type at the PDB. The second strand is in the second state, which is equivalent to the second model in the pdb file. The strands are labeled chain A and B (via the cartoon_nucliec_acid_color setting). The bases are colored differently too (via the cartoon_ladder_color setting).
nucleicAcidCartoonFilledRings The code provides a cartoon of the loaded nucleic acid that has the ladder rungs replaced by filled rings that are colored by atom type. The code can be applied to any nucleic acid. It is derived from the FR shortuct in pymolshortcuts.py.
nucleicAcidColorbySequence This code colors the nucleotides by base seqence. It can be applied to any nucleic acid.
nucleicAcidDumbellCartoonColorbySequenceThis code colors by the nucleotides by base seqence. The backcone is shown as a flatten ribbon with rolled edges that give the dumbell effect. The code can be applied to any nucleic acid. The code is dervied from the CR and DU shortcuts.
nucleicAcidFlatRibbonColorbySequence This code colors the nucleotides by base seqence. It can be applied to any nucleic acid. It is dervied from the CR shortcut. The backcone is shown as a flatten ribbon.
Return to list of snippet categories near top.


Snippet Name Description
allPairs This is a two-fold nested list comprehension for any all-parwise operation on the currently loaded objects. Replace optAlginRNA with object from any other function that operations on a pair of structrures.
listObjects Create a list of objects in the internal gui and print this list to the screen.
loadAndAlignManyFiles1These are the instructions for loading and aligning multiple files. To save multiple models in a file to separate pdb files.
loadAndAlignManyFiles2To align all of the loaded RNA structures in all possible combinations by their C1' carbon atoms.
loadAndAlignManyFiles3These are the instructions for loading and aligning multiple files.
loadManyFiles Load into PyMOL multiple files with a common file stem. The is a script by Robert Campbell that has been updated for Python3.
optAlignRNA OptiAlign.py by Jason Vertree modified for aligning multiple RNA structures.
optAlignRNA OptiAlign.py by Jason Vertree modified for aligning multiple RNA structures.
saveSeppy Saves multiple objects into multiple files using an optional prefix name.
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Snippet Name Description
aveB4resiX Prints the residue number and the average bfactor. Uses reduce and lambda, builtin Python functional porgramming functions. Note that you need to convert the length of the list of Bfactors from an integer to a float before division into the sum.
aveB4resiXpy AveBResiX, prints the residue number and the average bfactor. Uses reduce and lambda, builtin Python functional porgramming functions. Note that you need to convert the length of the list of Bfactors from an integer.
averageB Average the B-factors by using a regular list as opposed to a stored list in PyMOL. Edit the selection as needed.
fasta Print Fasta from PDB file.
fastapy Python version of the command to print the sequence from a PDB file in the fasta format.
findHbonds Find H-bonds around a residue.
getCoordinates Get coordinates.
getCoordinatespy Python version of getCoordinates snippets. Note that the python2 print statement stills works in pml scripts.
numResiNucleic Print the number of residues in a nulceic acid (all chains).
numResiNucleicChainA Print the number of residues in a nulceic acid chain.
numResiProtein Print the number of residues in a protein.
numResiProteinChainA Print the number of residues in chain A of a protein.
printBs Print the B-factors of a residue.
printBs2digits Print B--factors for a residue with the B-factors rounded off to two decimal places.
printBspartB Print B factors of part B of a residue.
printNameB4ResiX Print name and b-factor for a residue.
printPathpy Print the path to the currently used PyMOL binary.
printResiResnNameB4ResiX Print resn, resi, atom name, and b-factor.
printResiResnNameB4ResiXNoHPrint name and b-factor for a residue or residue range (e.g. 81:120). The noH variant.
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Snippet Name Description
emacsjupyterSourceBlockSource block template in org-mode with emacs-jupyter package.
obipythonSourceBlock Source block template in org-mode with the ob-ipython package.
printAtomNames Print the atom names of a residue.
printAtomNumbers Print the atom number2 of a residue.
printBfactors Print the bfactors of a residue.
printCoordinates Print the coordinates of the atoms in a residue.
printNamesCoordinates Print the atom names and coordinates of the atoms in a residue.
printNamesCoordinates Print the atom names as tuples and coordinates of the atoms in a residue as a list.
printVDWradii Print the van der Waals radii of the atoms in of a residue.
renameChain Rename a chain.
renumAtoms Add or substract a atom number offset.
renumResi Add or substract a residue number offset.
synch Wait unitl all current commands have been executed. A timeout ensures that that command ecentually returns.
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Snippet Name Description
antialias Set antialias to on to get smoother edges.
fetchPath Set path for location to save fetched pdb files.
lspymolrc Print list of active pymolrc files.
lspymolrcpy Print list of active pymolrc files.
setpath Set additional path for PyMOL to search on startup.
sigDigits Set number of decimals places to show in distance labels.
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Snippet Name Description
duplicateObject Duplicate object. Create an object with the first argument using the selection which is the second argument.
extractPartObj Create a new object from part of an existing object.
hideSelection Turn off magenta squares on current selection.
ligandSelect Make selection of ligand atoms.
selectAllBut Select all nitrogen atom in a selelction except from lysine.
selectAtomsAround Select atoms within a radius around a ligand.
selectChain Select a chain.
selectElement Select atoms by element.
selectHelices Select atoms by alpha helices.
selectLoops Select atoms by beta loops.
selectName Select atoms by name.
selectResi Select residues by a range of numbers.
selectResidues Select residues by name.
selectResiduesAroundSelect residues within a radius around a ligand.
selectStrands Select atoms by beta strands.
undoSelection Undo a selection.
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Snippet Name Description
listSettings Print to the screen the settings and their current parameter values. This is the more compact version.
listSettings2Print to the screen the settings and their current parameter values.
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Snippet Name Description
stereoDraw Stereo draw.
stereoRay Stereo ray.
stereokb Set keyboard shortcut by mapping F1 to stereo.
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Snippet Name Description
loadAmberTrajsThe amber trajectories have to be loaded into the same object.
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Unit cell display:

Snippet Name Description
addAxis Adds the function draw_axis(). Used to draw a symmetry axis, a ncs axis, or scale bar to a scene.
addAxispy Adds the function draw_axis(). Could be useful for the adding a symmery axis, a ncs axis, or scale bar to a scene.
sc111 Display all symmetry mates in one unit cell. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/. Change to your path to supercell.py.
sc112 Display all symmetry mates in two unit cells along the c axis. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc113 Display all symmetry mates in three unit cels along c. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc114 Display all symmetry mates in four unit cells stacked long c-axis. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc121 Display all symmetry mates in two unit cells along the b axis. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc122 Display all symmetry mates in a 1 x 2 x 2 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc131 Display all symmetry mates in three unit cells along b. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc133 Display all symmetry mates in 1 x 3 x 3 array of unit cell. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc141 Display all symmetry mates in four unit cells stacked long b-axis. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc144 Display all symmetry mates in in a 1 x 4 x 4 array. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc211 Display all symmetry mates in two unit cell along a. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc212 Display all symmetry mates in a 2 x 1 x 2 arrays of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc221 Display all symmetry mates in 2 x 2 x 1 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc222 Run supercell script to generate three cells in all directions. This script was written by Thomas Holder.
sc233 Display all symmetry mates in a 2 x 3 x 3 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc311 Display all symmetry mates three three unit cells along a. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc313 Display all symmetry mates in a 3 x 1 x 3 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc323 Display all symmetry mates in a 3 x 2 x 3 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc331 Display all symmetry mates in 3 x 3 x 1 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc332 Display all symmetry mates in 3 x 3 x 2 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc333 Display all symmetry mates in 3 x 3 x 3 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc411 Display all symmetry mates in four unit cells stacked long a-axis. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc414 Display all symmetry mates in a 4 x 1 x 4 array. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc441 Display all symmetry mates in four unit cells stacked long a-axis. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc444 Display all symmetry mates in a 4 x 4 x4 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
sc444 Display all symmetry mates in a 4 x 4 x4 array of unit cells. Uses supercell.py in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/.
symexp The code expands the asymmetric unit. It like the generate symmetry mates command but it provides more control over the prefix name of the symmetry mates and the addition of unique segment identifiers for each symmetry mate. The usage: symexp prefix, object, (selection), cutoff, segidFlag. The cutoff is in Angstroms. The segidFlag set to 1 will add unique segids. For related functions, see SC***.
unitCellEdgesColorBlackColor unit cell edges black. The settings for controlling the unit cell color are hard to find.
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Snippet Name Description
internalGUImode2Make the background of the internal gui transparent to expand viewport.
internalGUIwidthSet the width of the internal gui. Set to 0 to make the internal gui vanish.
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