by {"name"=>"Blaine Mooers", "avatar"=>"BlaineMooers.png", "bio"=>"Earned PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics with Shing Ho at Oregon State Univeristy and did post-doc with Brian Matthews at the University of Oregon.", "location"=>"Oklahoma City, OK", "employer"=>"OUHSC", "pubmed"=>"", "googlescholar"=>"", "email"=>"blaine-mooers at", "researchgate"=>"", "uri"=>nil, "bitbucket"=>nil, "codepen"=>nil, "dribbble"=>nil, "flickr"=>nil, "facebook"=>nil, "foursquare"=>nil, "github"=>"MooersLab", "google_plus"=>nil, "keybase"=>nil, "instagram"=>nil, "impactstory"=>nil, "lastfm"=>nil, "linkedin"=>nil, "orcid"=>"", "pinterest"=>nil, "soundcloud"=>nil, "stackoverflow"=>nil, "steam"=>nil, "tumblr"=>nil, "twitter"=>"@BlaineMooers", "vine"=>nil, "weibo"=>nil, "xing"=>nil, "youtube"=>nil, "wikipedia"=>nil}
On the afternoon of Monday, September 26, 2022, Drs Tzanko Doukov and Blaine Mooers co-chaired a four-hour workshop Computational Methods in the Structural Sciences at the annual SSRL/LCLS Users meeting. It had eight speakers from three continents. The topics were quite diverse: micro-ED, cryo-EM, SAXS, radiation damage analysis, solvent channel analysis, and direct phasing. All of the talks were reviting. However, the last speaker really hit a home-run with some very exciting results about extending direct phasing methods. This talk was mentioned several times in other workshops and plenary sessions on the following days.
tags: SSRL - Users Annual Meeting - workshop - computational methods