25 October 2022

MooersLab landing page initiated.

by {"name"=>"Blaine Mooers", "avatar"=>"BlaineMooers.png", "bio"=>"Earned PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics with Shing Ho at Oregon State Univeristy and did post-doc with Brian Matthews at the University of Oregon.", "location"=>"Oklahoma City, OK", "employer"=>"OUHSC", "pubmed"=>"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=blaine+mooers", "googlescholar"=>"https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ZReXIXoAAAAJ&", "email"=>"blaine-mooers at ouhsc.edu", "researchgate"=>"https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Blaine-Mooers", "uri"=>nil, "bitbucket"=>nil, "codepen"=>nil, "dribbble"=>nil, "flickr"=>nil, "facebook"=>nil, "foursquare"=>nil, "github"=>"MooersLab", "google_plus"=>nil, "keybase"=>nil, "instagram"=>nil, "impactstory"=>nil, "lastfm"=>nil, "linkedin"=>nil, "orcid"=>"https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8181-8987", "pinterest"=>nil, "soundcloud"=>nil, "stackoverflow"=>nil, "steam"=>nil, "tumblr"=>nil, "twitter"=>"@BlaineMooers", "vine"=>nil, "weibo"=>nil, "xing"=>nil, "youtube"=>nil, "wikipedia"=>nil}

I discovered that a repo made with the name of a GitHub site can have a README.md file that shows up on the landing page. This file can be used to provide an index or table of contexts to the repos by clustering them by category. This format can draw the visitors attention to relevant repos and is much better than the default tag search approach where the visitor has to know the relevent search terms in advance or has to scroll through all of the repos.

tags: SSRL - Users Annual Meeting - workshop - computational methods