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On December 2, 2022, I gave a talk at emacsconf 2022 about editing live Juptyer Notebook cells with Emacs via the atomic-chrome package for Emacs and the browser extension known as GhostText. I presented several little-known applications of these two packages that others have developed. I also demonstrated how GhostText can be used with Overleaf to enable using Emacs to edit Overleaf Text Areas. This new power should be of interest to the million users of Overleaf. Juan Zhang commented on the talk’s YouTube page: Thanks for the very helpful talk! GhostText is like a Godsend; overleaf is finally usable. The Youtube video garnered almost 900 views in the first three weeks. Please note that in December 2022 (after my talk), Overleaf changed the file format for the source text area. Select the `Source (legacy)’ tab to get the behavior demonstrated in the above video. Many thank yous go to the organizers of this meeting!!! Their team hosted another successful emacsconf!!! They did an enormous amount of work behind the scenes.
tags: emacsconf 2022 - Editing Jupyter Notebook Cells Live with Emacs - Editing Overleaf text areas with Emacs