16 June 2022

Poster presented at the 10th Annual Oklahoma Structural Biology Symposium

by {"name"=>"Blaine Mooers", "avatar"=>"BlaineMooers.png", "bio"=>"Earned PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics with Shing Ho at Oregon State Univeristy and did post-doc with Brian Matthews at the University of Oregon.", "location"=>"Oklahoma City, OK", "employer"=>"OUHSC", "pubmed"=>"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=blaine+mooers", "googlescholar"=>"https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ZReXIXoAAAAJ&", "email"=>"blaine-mooers at ouhsc.edu", "researchgate"=>"https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Blaine-Mooers", "uri"=>nil, "bitbucket"=>nil, "codepen"=>nil, "dribbble"=>nil, "flickr"=>nil, "facebook"=>nil, "foursquare"=>nil, "github"=>"MooersLab", "google_plus"=>nil, "keybase"=>nil, "instagram"=>nil, "impactstory"=>nil, "lastfm"=>nil, "linkedin"=>nil, "orcid"=>"https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8181-8987", "pinterest"=>nil, "soundcloud"=>nil, "stackoverflow"=>nil, "steam"=>nil, "tumblr"=>nil, "twitter"=>"@BlaineMooers", "vine"=>nil, "weibo"=>nil, "xing"=>nil, "youtube"=>nil, "wikipedia"=>nil}

Mooers’s presented Francis’s dissertation work on a poster at the 10th Annual Oklahoma Structural Biology Symposium at the University of Oklahoma; Francis had already moved to Boston to start a job in biotech. The symposium was held at the National Storm Prediction Center. Sadly, this symposium was the final symposium in this series. It series ended with a big bang via a lineup of excellent scientists as invited speakers. The symposium series was funded by the phase I and II grants from the NIH for the Oklahoma COBRE in Structural Biology, which is led by Dr. Ann West at OU-Norman. It was attended by well over 100 people from Oklahoma and around the country.

Phase III of this COBRE was funded in June 2022.

tags: COBRE - Acquah